Abstracts of International Conference on the Future of Culture


International Conference on the Future of Culture is arisen from this feeling that the contemporary scholar, particularly in the field of culture, can no longer achieve proper conclusions and perceptionsof the subjects without a vision of the future. To achieve a closely- accurate picture of the future, we need researchers and professors from different fields of culture studiesto open up the path of dialogue with each other. Dialogue and cooperation in the extensive field of culture is difficult and researchers should be prepared for traversing this way and increasing experiences.This intention wasthe basis for the formation of the idea of holding  this conference.

The notion for holding this conference was formed after consultingwith professors and researchers from different fields of culture studies from various universities of the country. Having announced the Call for Papers, a great number of articles by researchers in different disciplines delivered to the secretariat. The secretariat academiccouncil reviewed these articlescarefully, but a large number of papers submitted, were far from the purpose being pursued by the conference organizers. Therefore, the conference academic council could not accept more than half of the local or foreign delivered articles.The book ahead contains the abstracts accepted that will be read out during the conference performance days. We are hopeful that in this conference a wider pathway for co-thinking andcommunion would be opened up andpreparations would be provided to take steadier steps.

Ali AsgharMosleh

Conference secretary

May, 2015

Abstracts of  International Conference on  the Future of  Culture

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